Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

AI In Business - The Value of Location Data

AI In Business - The Value of Location Data

AI in Businessss Podcast with Dan Faggella

The Business Value of Location Data - with Max Sklar of Foursquare

Today's guest is the great and brilliant Max Sklar of Foursquare, a technology platform that powers leading business solutions and consumer products through a deep understanding of the location. Max has spent eight years there as a Machine Learning engineer and is currently an Engineering and Innovation Labs Advisor. He speaks to us today about the possibilities and potential of location data and where this data might be handy in businesses in the future. Is this the future of how we predict consumer behavior? Want to learn more? Check out Emerj Plus:

The Data Scientist Show with Daliana Liu

The Data Scientist Show with Daliana Liu

Building Tomorrow with Paul Matzko

Building Tomorrow with Paul Matzko

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