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Episode 116 - Cytometry and Machine Learning with Hefin Rhys

Episode 116 - Cytometry and Machine Learning with Hefin Rhys

Cytometrist and author of the new Machine Learning text (ML with R the tidyverse, and mlr) joins the Local Maximum to tell us about some of the biological applications of machine learning and making it more accessible to all.

We cover model evaluation, unsupervised learning, and the curse of dimensionality.

About Hefin Rhys

Lab coat.jpg

Hefin Rhys is a life scientist and cytometrist with 9 years of experience teaching R, statistics, and machine learning. Working in academia, he is interested in using computational approaches to extract meaningful insight from biological data. He believes that machine learning should be accessible to the people asking the important questions, and his book, Machine Learning with R the tidyverse, and mlr, aims to do that.

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About the Book and Sponsor


Discover a powerful set of machine learning Rstats tools for practical data science; tackle business problems, crunch research data, learn to build your own #ML pipelines with "Machine Learning with R, the tidyverse, and mlr"

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