Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 206 - Topics for the New Year

Episode 206 - Topics for the New Year

Max brings up a bunch of new news topics and expands on some old ones that are likely to be important in the new year.
- Is the New York Times being sneaky in the Tech Section?
- Would you like an alexa that moves around in your house?
- Recognizing that there is a war for truth.


NYTimes: 2021 “Good Tech” Awards - and you must support our political whistelblower
NYTimes: Are Apple AirTags Stalking You
Amazon: Meet Astro, the Mobile Alexa
Gizmodo: Waymo Cars without a Steering Wheel

Spotify: Robert Malone on Joe Rogan (banned from other platforms)
Real Clear Investigations: Doctors say Dismissal of Outpatient Drugs led to Needless Deaths

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