Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 236 - Alzheimer's Research Setback and Facebook News Demoted

Episode 236 - Alzheimer's Research Setback and Facebook News Demoted

On today's news update, Max and Aaron talk about several stories related to the consequences of confusing science and truth.
- Alzheimer's research reported to have major setback after results from the 2000s found to be manipulated
- Updates on the Google AI Saga
- Facebook is de-emphasizing professional news

Distribution of the day: Uniform Categorical Distribution


NYTimes: Google Fires Engineer who Claims AI is Conscious
Science Times: Lemoine claims Google Lambda Hired a Lawyer to Represent its Interests

WSJ: Facebook Shifts from News to Creators
CNBC: Snap Shares down 39%
WYZOWL: Human Attention Span Infographic Potential Fabrication in Alzheimer’s Research
How AI is Tackling Fake Academic Research

Principle of Indifference

Claude Shannon: Vegas Roulette

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