Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 245 - Axioms of Probability

Episode 245 - Axioms of Probability

Max starts with a brief news update on ethereum, and then moves to the Kolmogorov axioms of probability. What is an axiom system anyway - and why would someone want to change it?


Saranac Lake: Camera Obscura: The Renaissance Camera
My Modern Met: The History of Camera Obscura and How It Was Used as a Tool To Create Art in Perfect Perspective
Oxford Academic: Kolmogorov’s Axiomatization and Its Discontents

Episodes Mentioned

Episode 133 - What Is the Point of Pointless Topology?
Episode 145 - What Is Probability? A Philosophical Question with Practical Implications
Episode 146 - Math, Language, and Intelligence with Tai-Danae Bradley
Episode 240 - Turning The Crypto Corner
Episode 242 - Artificial Art, Reverse Proxies, and Extraterrestrial Dice

Episode 246 - AJ Jacobs: The Puzzler

Episode 246 - AJ Jacobs: The Puzzler

Episode 244 - Phyl Terry: Never Search Alone

Episode 244 - Phyl Terry: Never Search Alone