Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 30 - Entropy is a Decision Tree: Game of Thrones Predictions

Episode 30 - Entropy is a Decision Tree: Game of Thrones Predictions

Some data scientists are attempting to use data and machine learning to predict the outcome of the next season of game of thrones. In this solo show I discuss the merits of this approach, give an overview of decision trees, adversarial problems, and the role of information theory.


Predicting Death in Game of Thrones on the DataRobot Blog

Check out the Kaggle Competition for the Game of Thrones Dataset

Epic Rap Battles of History, Martin vs Tolkien whose lyrics suggest different entropy levels in Westeros vs Middle Earth.

Previous Episodes Mentioned

Episode 10: Zuckerberg Testifies - the difficulties in adversarial machine learning problems

Episode 19: Information Theory - the information content of fiction

Episode 23: Natural Language Processing - how this could be used to analyze writing and create these datasets

Episode 24: Reinforcement Learning - examples of problems that would be exceedingly difficult to do with handwritten rules

Episode 27: Fat Tails - On the nature of unpredictable disasters like that which can occur to certain characters on Game of Thrones, and Thanksgiving Turkeys

Episode 31 - The Problem of Causality with @ShirinMojarad

Episode 31 - The Problem of Causality with @ShirinMojarad

Episode 29 - Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Decentralization with @clydevanel of the New York State Assembly

Episode 29 - Bitcoin, Blockchain, and Decentralization with @clydevanel of the New York State Assembly