Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 68 - 6 University Courses that Influenced Me in Surprising Ways

Episode 68 - 6 University Courses that Influenced Me in Surprising Ways

Aaron and I discuss my list of 6 university courses that in retrospect have influenced me in surprising and unexpected ways, even after many years. The list is:

Yale's Writing Seminar (Yale)
Functional Programming (Yale)
Philosophy and Computer Science (Yale)
Emerging Technology and Business Innovation (NYU Stern)
Machine Learning (NYU Courant)
Electronic Communities (NYU Stern)

Course Materials and Professor Bios

Check out the Haskell School of Expression by Paul Hudak.
This was the memorial symposium I was at a few years ago.

David Gelernter on Wikipedia and Website at Yale
Alex Tuzhilin Website
Yann Lecun’s Homepage
Kristen Sosulski Homepage
Valley NYC on Instagram

High School Graduates in 1958 on their decision to go or not go to college

Related Episodes

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Episode 11 with my talk to current Yale Students

Episode 69 -  Apple Unbundles iTunes, Cuba Update, and Content Distribution in the 21st century

Episode 69 - Apple Unbundles iTunes, Cuba Update, and Content Distribution in the 21st century

Episode 67 - Social Credit Scores and Re-education Camps in China

Episode 67 - Social Credit Scores and Re-education Camps in China