Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 94 - Dividing By Zero, Infinite Ratios, and Ice Cream Sales

Episode 94 - Dividing By Zero, Infinite Ratios, and Ice Cream Sales

Today Max talks about his long-term fascination with the concept of infinity, including several different forms and definitions that infinity can take on. Then, we do a deep dive into what it means to extend the real number line and divide by zero.


Manning Publishing -
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Deep Learning with Structured Data will teach you to apply powerful deep learning analysis techniques to structured data found in the relational databases that real-world businesses depend on.
Mark Ryan is Episode 87


Relevant Links

Wikipedia Articles:
Point at Infinity
Riemann Sphere (One of my favorite mathematical structures/domains = complex numbers with a point at infinity)
Ordinal Numbers
Division by Zero

Related Episodes

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