Based in Sydney, Australia, Foundry is a blog by Rebecca Thao. Her posts explore modern architecture through photos and quotes by influential architects, engineers, and artists.

Episode 46 - The Audio Internet with Shani Offen

Episode 46 - The Audio Internet with Shani Offen

The web was designed for text and images, and all of the interactive elements we use today, and all of the advertising technology backing it up was developed as such. Spotify Machine Learning Engineer Shani Offen asks how we can apply this to audio content like music, podcasts, and audiobooks.

We cover:
- The role of advertising in driving innovation.
- The difficulties of building audio chatbots.
- Brainstorming on interactive sound and voice.



Apology from the Inventor of the Popup Ad

Related Episodes

Episode 24 with Christian Hubbs where we touch on reinforcement learning
Episode 23 on Natural Language Processing with Kris Conception
Episode 17 with Comic and Podcast Host Rob Bernstein, who knows the podcast ad business
Episode 8 where we discuss Marsbot
Episode 2 with Maryam Aly on Internationalization with NLP-related anecdotes

Episode 47 - Max on Stage with the Year in Review

Episode 47 - Max on Stage with the Year in Review

Episode 45 - Inside Google, Engineer Maryam Aly with a Comprehensive Account

Episode 45 - Inside Google, Engineer Maryam Aly with a Comprehensive Account

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